Join Us

Concert group photo
Are you looking for a new choir? A fun new challenge?
The New Tottenham Singers could be just what you’re looking for!

We are a local choir who aren’t afraid to tackle challenging music. Join us to grow your voice, expand your musical skill and be part of some amazing performances. Our repertoire includes classical, liturgical, jazz and theatrical music.

Rehearsals are every Tuesday evening 7.30-9.30pm at Earlsmead Primary School, Broad Lane, N15 4PW (a few minutes’ walk from Seven Sisters Station) with breaks at local term times for Easter, Summer and Christmas holidays. We are always happy to welcome new members of any musical experience – you will not need to audition, and if you are unsure where you fit in musically we can help you find your correct section (Soprano, Alto, Tenor or Bass). The choir is open to everyone 16+, and you do not need to be a Tottenham resident – our members travel from all across London to sing with us.

Every January and September we hold free open rehearsals for new joiners on the first three Tuesdays of the term (you can find full details on the frontpage of our site). Membership is £85 (£80 for students and pensioners) per term thereafter.

If you’d like to discover what we have to offer please get in touch at – we look forward to hearing from you.