ADM (Maternity Cover) Vacancy

The New Tottenham Singers, a non-audition amateur choir based in Tottenham, North
London, is seeking an Assistant Musical Director to provide maternity cover for initially
one term. This is a particularly exciting time for the choir in terms of projects and
programmes, and the AMD role is crucial to the success of the performances.

The choir rehearses on Tuesday evenings with additional Saturday rehearsals in
preparation for performances. The Autumn Term runs from Tuesday 4th September to
Tuesday 11th December, with concert dates booked on Saturday 10th November and
Saturday 15th December alongside additional Saturday rehearsals, some still TBC.
Tuesday rehearsals are remunerated at £50 and Saturday rehearsals and concert days at
£100 unless stated otherwise.

Key roles, responsibilities and dates are as follows:
– To provide accompaniment and/or lead sectionals on Tuesday evenings from
7.30pm – 9.30pm as required at £50 per rehearsal (Autumn Term: 15 Tuesdays
x £50 = £750);
– To play the keyboard part in the orchestra for a Concert of Remembrance on
Saturday 10th November with a rehearsal from 2pm on the day and an
orchestra rehearsal on Saturday 13th October from 10.30am – 5pm (£200 flat
fee for both);
– To attend a rehearsal on Saturday 27th October with choir, soloists and
orchestra from 11.30am – 6pm (£100);
– To play in the Christmas Concert with rehearsal on Saturday 15th December

There will also be at least one (probably two) more Saturday rehearsal(s) during the
Autumn Term which are not yet fixed in the choir diary and are therefore open to
negotiation which would be remunerated at £100 each.

We are therefore looking for an extremely competent pianist, accompanist and wellrounded
musician in terms of musical genres with strong sight-reading skills who is able
to direct sectional rehearsals and, if necessary, direct the whole choir. Competence as an
organist is desirable, but not essential.

This is an exciting opportunity to gain further experience of choral accompaniment and
leadership with a friendly, sociable choir that enjoys a diverse range of ages and abilities
within its membership.
Interviews and primary auditions are provisionally scheduled for Saturday 16th June with
short-listed candidates being invited to attend a mutually convenient subsequent Tuesday
rehearsal in July. Please therefore indicate in your application if you are unavailable on
Saturday 16th June, which will not present a barrier to your application.

Applicants should write to the Musical Director, Tom Fowkes, at with a covering letter/email outlining your skills,
experience and reasons for interest in the position alongside a CV and any footage and/or
recordings of your work that may be available by the closing date of Saturday 2nd June

Further information regarding The New Tottenham Singers is available at and

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